Monday, September 12, 2011

...of Ease.

I sometimes forget how truly blessed I am. I have people who love me, a roof over my head, food and shelter. HELL, I'm writing this laying in. my. bed. There is someone right now sleeping on the cold, hard ground. Right now, there is someone fighting for their life. Right now, someone just died. Right now, a baby was just born to a set of unstable parents. And right now, someone is fighting for us. The world is so much bigger than just me. Than just you and I. Why am I so selfish sometimes and forget that I have it GREAT compared to so many out there? I'm constantly complaining about my life and I've got it easy. It's so crazy to know that.. That I have it easy. If that's true, some people have it disastrous. That's just so awful to know.. That makes the statement "Dont't judge someone until you've been in their shoes. Everyone's fighting their own battle" extremely, completely true. I want to do better of thinking how I have it easier. Because if I know it to be true, then why can't it just be that simple to do? I have to.. For those who can't. I want to be an example of someone who knows that I've got it good and fight for those who don't have it better. I want to be there for those who have barely a fighting chance. I want to make that difference.

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