Sunday, September 18, 2011

..of Temptations.

I'm sure everyone has this happen but, have you ever had someone you know that you shouldn't talk to but you couldn't fight the temptation? Because they made things more special and somehow made you feel important? You couldn't help to want to talk to at any moment of desperation or sadness. Because you knew they'd instantly make you feel better. It just came so natural. What can you do to stop yourself from saying hello? How do you hold yourself back? At the happiest moments in your life you give them no thoughts whatsoever then one moment of hopelessness cracks you and you give in. How do you fight and stay strong in those low moments? You know your life will be easier without them but is it worth the lonliness? ...Just rambling again. Why do the ones where I ramble be the shortest ones? lol oh well.

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