Sunday, September 11, 2011

...of the Uncomplete.

So, I went through all my junk this past week and I came across an old notebook. Inside this notebook, was a New Year's Resolution List. A list of things I was supposed to accomplish this year. Here it is: September. Four months till this year ends, and I've done maybe a third. What is it that never makes me finish my goals? I never come through. Why not? It's not like they're super super hard. I also have a list of EIGHT things I was supposed to do this summer. I did one and a half. One and a half! How ridiculous is that? Why can't I keep the goals I make to myself? What would it take for me to actually do these things I say I will? I would really like to know. Because some of these I really want to do. Where is my will power to do them if I want to do them so bad? What am I gonna do..?

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