Wednesday, September 21, 2011

...of Barely Missing the Mark.

Sometimes I wonder how close I was to being something better. How close I was to getting a higher place setting. How close I was to catching that someone's eye. How close I was to having the one you love love you back. How close I was to acheiving a goal. Whatever it may be. How ever many it may be. I just wonder how many times I've come so close to having it. Like, what could I have done to make it different? What could I have done to complete it? If I had done one thing differently would I have achieved it? And if so, would I have been happier? Sadder? The same? What? I just wonder what my life would be like if I made biggers risks. Or chose something I normally wouldn't for a change. I have no regrets. And I want to keep it that way. I've heard it said before that most regrets come from not doing something rather than doing it. I don't want that to happen. I want to live life fully and regret free. What can I do to make sure that happens? Or at least try my hardest. I want genuine happiness out of life. However that may happen. Whatever be the cause. I just want it. Another short one.. Sorry.

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