A Deeper Look at Me (:

Well, for starters, I guess you could say I'm a rather quiet natured person. Although, I am only like that when I'm not comfortable with people yet. I try not to care what people think, and usually i don't. But, I would definitely be lying if I said that I didn't at all. We all do to some extent. I like to be creative but I am by far not the best at any of it. I try to be an open-minded person but I am not perfect and do fail at it sometimes. I'm a very independent person, as an individual. But I do also depend on the people I love way too much. It's not a good thing, and I'm definitely learning, fast, how dangerous that is. So I'm working on that too. I'm rather insecure too. REALLY, REALLY trying to work on that.

Since i already listed my hobbies and interests and stuff on my profile, I guess I'll just state some random facts about me now.
  • I am intensely stubborn and everyone hates it. I just think it's funny (:
  • I am very, very, very picky at everything. Clothes, food. You name it, i'm probably picky about it.
  • I never wear matching socks. Unless it's an event where I have to.
  • Feet disgust the ever living daylights out of me. I do not touch them. Nor do I let people's touch me.
  • I usually use very correct grammar and punctuation, if you haven't already noticed.
  • I'm a blonde. But, I am not stupid. I make straight A's for the most part. I'm just not a fast thinker ha. So it appears as if my common sense is a little below most. But I do not think it has anything to do with hair color. I mean seriously? It's hair. and I know plenty of people who are not blondes and they are just as bad, if not worse, as I am.
  • I am a walking, talking quotebook. I even keep one... Need a quote? I'm you're girl! (: haha
  • In all seriousness, I am a very worthy candidate for the most clumsy person on earth.
  • My favorite food is macaroni and cheese.
  • I have a weird eating disorder thing where I never finish a meal. Or if I do, I feel like I'm going to be sick.
  • My eyes change with the light. Which I think is cool, but hate that my eye color's natural color changed from blue to green.
  • I'm 17 and I still love little kid things. Movies, tv shows, songs, etc.
  • My two favorite things are music and photography.
  • I have massive trust issues. And it takes a while for me to gain someone's.
  • My favorite accessory is a hat or a scarf.
  • There are many, many, many, many, many, many things I want to learn how to do. Skateboard, electric guitar, successfully use chopsticks, some type of martial arts, drums, and many more things. I know I won't learn even half of these, but i'm a dreamer. what can i say? (:
  • I always wear something on my right arm. Whether it's a hairbow or a bracelet. usually all of the above.
  • I have a very bad disgust for the human race. I think we are idiotic, selfish dumb asses.
  • I'm a very cold natured person. Always have a jacket with or on me.
  • I do not like chocolate cake. or frosting. nor will I eat it for anything.
  • I love the rain and the sound of thunder.
  • Yes shauna, our grandparents do have the best love story ever.
  • My mom is without a doubt the best person in my life. She keeps me going, gives me hope, and shows me i am not alone. We're very close and I'm impeccably thankful for her. thank you mom<3