Thursday, July 19, 2012

. . . Reminiscing Old Thoughts and Feelings.

Wow. Hi guys. It's been like half a year since I last wrote. A lot has happened since then. You know the previous post? Yeah, that's no longer accurate. That person it is about isn't even around anymore. It's not all bad though. I have someone even better now. And he broke all the way through IMMEDIATELY. But we're not gonna get into that right now. No. I want to talk about how funny and crazy it is that things change so fast. Just five months ago EVERYTHING was different. I was talking to a friend last night. He actually was the one who reminded me that it has been so long since I last wrote. I forgot how much I loved it. I don't even mind that only like two people read this. It's just so nice to be writing again. Things have been so hectic and then I got uninspired from everything so I just stopped. But I'm back. Hopefully for a while this time. Just bare with me though. But anyway. It's crazy how much things change. Just a short time ago, I thought I was in love with someone I rarely speak to anymore. Just a short time ago, I never even knew the person who has become one of the most important people in my life now. And just a short time ago, everything was different. I was looking back at all my old posts last night, and it is crazy reading old feelings that never cross your mind anymore. And it's crazy looking back and wishing for something then realizing you got it. Looking back, I barely even recognize myself. Like, if it didn't have my name on it, I wouldn't know I was the one who wrote it. I feel like I don't even know that person anymore. As if everything has changed that much. But day by day, we don't even notice it. but then when we look back, it's completely obvious. It's almost ironic. People change. I guess it will always be that way. Some change for the better; Some for the worse. I am really pleased with my life right now, so I'd like to think it is all changing for the better. I can hope at least haha. But that's all for now. I will post again soon. I promise. <3