Friday, May 13, 2011

....of the inevitable.

Death. The only word that comes to mind when I think about it is: unfair. Yeah, I know it's all part of the cycle. but it still sucks. It takes people away from you. People you love. People you never have thought about having a chance of leaving anytime soon. It strikes at the most inconvenient of times. It hurts. Everyone. Even if you didn't know them personally, someone you love knew them and are upset about it. --> worst feeling ever, by the way. though I'm sure you get that too. It sucks bad enough when you hear it on the news, or it was an old relative that you saw coming. But, to have it be a beautiful teenager. That's just not even describable. The feeling you get when you hear about that, can't be spoken or written about. it's just there. always. To hear about someone so young dying WAY before they should. Before their time. It's just.. heartbreaking. He could've been that one who made all the difference. He could've discovered a new planet. He could've been the first person to beat the odds. He could've been the cure for cancer. He could've been the one who discovered world peace. He could've amounted to greatness. But one minute moment. When everything changes. Nothing is ever the same. Because they're gone. and no one could ever take their place. Ever. That kid could have amounted to everything. But instead their life was cut way too short. It shouldn't have happened. and it's almost impossible to believe. And it will always be with you. That's what sucks. About death. It's inevitable. Unavoidable(in most cases). Always happening. Still devastating.


  1. I know death sucks, bu tyou always have to think about how death came to that person. sometimes the decisons we make every day could be what leads us to our end. It may be inevitable, but it is most certainly something that doesn't have to happen soon. Some deaths are cause by others, but if you think about it, those people that caused a death made decisions that lead them there.

  2. oh, i know lol this wasn't about me. haha just venting of my hatred of seeing friends in pain from losing people. like car accidents that shoudn't happen. lol i'm totally fine

  3. i know. lol i feel the same way when my friends are down about things, but i just figured i would comment my opinion. that is what i do. (: lol
