Sunday, April 3, 2011

.. of the second choice.

I wish that, just for once, I would be picked above others. That one day, I'd be the best option. I always fail in comparison to someone when it comes to the people I love. Especially you. You go back and forth between her and I and it's beginning to drive me crazy. Because as soon as you get her back you drop, and forget all about, me. Just once, I wish you'd think of me above her. Because I do matter. And you don't realize how much it hurts sometimes. I'd pick you over anyone else. Would it kill you to try and do the same?


  1. This is when you tell me what this is about. Or rather, who it's about. I love you!

  2. it's all okay now. no worries (:

  3. But I want to know because I love you! (: And you should tell Tricia because you love her and don't want her to worry about you.

  4. alas, but you shall not be worried about me because all is well with this situation. and i love you, but it does not matter whom it was about (:

  5. Well, okay. I "won't" worry. I love you, too, and I am always there for you.
